Translate a text from technical document using following translators: (around
2million characters)
T4: Google translator
T5: Microsoft Bing translator
Source text adherence is judged to the source text norms and meaning, in terms of
how well the target text represents the informational content of the source text.
The degree of adherence to the target text and target language norms, referring, for
example, grammatical correctness and clarity. When judging fluency, the source text
is not relevant.
Compare the quality of translation for each sentence translation based on
a) Adequacy : All Meaning 5 ; Most Meaning 4 ; Much Meaning 3; Little Meaning 2;
None 1.
b) Fluency : Flawless Language 5; Good Language 4; Non-native Language 3; Disfluent
Language 2; Incomprehensible 1. You may consider around 200 sentences for Human
evaluation. Select sentences having varied length.
Analyze your results and give your comments
To be submitted: Cover-page Source text in language S1; Target texts translated by
T1-T5 tools Evaluation Scores for each translator with different parameter settings
Identify the issues related to language divergence aspects, out of vocabulary words,
length and construct of sentences, reordering, alignments,... sentence length: 1-10
words; 11-20 words; 20-40 words; 40+ words
list all issues that you may have come across while performing this task.
Include all references in your submissions
For submission use latex files (you may use overleaf)